always more to learn and grow . . .
Eric moya cst-d, Ms/mfct
Thank you for reading through my professional site, and I look forward to working with you in whatever way we can to help you achieve your health or educational goals. The purpose of this page is to tell you a bit about my history so you can get a better feel of who I am as a professional.
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My initial training was in massage therapy in 1996 at the Crystal Mountain School of Massage in Albuquerque, NM. That training began an appreciation for the art and the skill of bodymindspirit therapy. Upon graduating, I immediately began furthering my education. A majority of my continuing education was through the International Alliance of Healthcare Educators, specifically in the modality known as CranioSacral Therapy. I went through the most advanced courses, began assisting them, and in 2001, became the youngest full instructor (at the age of 28) for their courses.
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Concurrently with teaching for the institute, I taught at a massage school and also established and ran a highly successful business and practice known as The Ripple Effect: Center for Advance Manual Therapy. The Ripple Effect had multiple practitioners and a variety of movement practices, including yoga, martial arts, book groups, and study groups. I continued on my own manual therapy education in a variety of modalities, most notably Lymph Drainage Therapy, of which I also went through to the advanced level and began offering featured presentations in that modality as well.
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Looking for more growth in the psychoemotional components of healing, I attended graduate school from 2004-2006 and completed a Masters of Science Degree in Marriage, Family, and Child Therapy. The broad training and background of the counseling degree was helpful. Of particular influence were existential psychotherapy, dialectical behavior therapy, motivational interviewing, and play therapy. Upon graduating, I began to see both psychotherapy clients and bodywork clients in my Albuquerque office.
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In 2008, I accepted a Director of Education job at the prestigous Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California, which necessitated a bittersweet but important transition from The Ripple Effect practice into learning a new skill set of how to work therapeutically with a human potential organization! Most of my interests and additional training while in management at Esalen was in group facilitation, conflict management, organizational development, Gestalt process, and related trainings. My executive responsibilities included overseeing staff education and development, overseeing the healing arts department, overseeing the advisors (counseling) group, and overseeing the Gazebo preschool.
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In 2012, missing the joys of private practice and working with individuals therapeutically, I transitioned out of the Esalen Institute, and once again opened a private practice with offices in Carmel and San Francisco under the massage therapy license in the state of California. The years between 2012 and 2017 have been some of the most creation filled and professionally exciting years yet in my professional life. The bodywork, the counseling, the time at Esalen have all somehow integrated into a new layer of being able to work with people and communities. Over the past few years, I have been able to lead and create a Clinical Mentorship program through the Upledger Institute that is now an international program. I've had the privilege of taking the systems and complexity components familiar to the marriage and family professional and find a tissue based corollary for bodyworkers. Part of that process has led to the creation of the Epicenter approach to manual therapy, which is a pattern based paradigm of working with totality of the body, mind, and spirit. That coursework is being received well globally as well.
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And concurrent with my therapy practice and teaching, my most recent passion project is stepping into the world of publishing with the 2016 launch of the online periodical called The Idea Crucible which seeks to bring innovators from around the world together and, through dialogue and education, create the next generation understanding of bodymindspirit integration. The Idea Crucible uses a mixture of articles, blogs, webinars, and facilitated groups to help wisdom and voices emerge.
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If you are considering coming to me for therapy, the main things you need to know are that philosophically I have a chosen value of using the least amount of influence necessary to get the job done and a deep core belief in the bodymindspirit having an innate healing wisdom for us to empower and facilitate. For further questions of how I might be able to help you, please contact me!
Some links from the above: